
10 Launch Innovations Experts Are Using In 2018
launch innovations

launch innovations
One of my favorite things to do is spy on the BIG launches.

And I love to watch for the latest launch innovations.

Most recently, I paid super close attention to Marie Forleo’s B-School launch in February, Stu McLaren’s Tribe launch, Joanna Wiebe’s Copy School and Ryan Levesque’s Ask Method launch all this past Spring.

And now that we’re headed into the heart of Fall Launch season, I wanted to share 10 of the biggest takeaways from their launches, so that you can increase conversions, get more traffic and attention on your offers, and have your best launch yet!

Start With These 3 Easy-Peasy Launch Innovations

If this is your very first launch, just making sure these launch innovations are in place will be enough!

And if you’re launching for the second, third, or even 15th time, go back through and make sure you are still retaining these foundational elements of a successful launch.

1. Start your sales page with a super clear promise.

Sales pages sometimes start by drawing you in with questions that make you nod your head, and feel like you’re in the right place.

But this year Marie’s program came out swinging…

All too often we try to go for clever copy, when clarity will outperform every single time.

When you can condense your offer down into one very clear promise, it’s super easy for someone who lands there to say, “Yes, that’s what I need!”

2. There’s no such thing as too much social proof!

No matter which launch you’re on, social proof is essential to having your sales page convert like crazy.

And I loved the new styles I noticed during Ryan’s launch.

launch innovations

launch innovations

He fully took advantage of video testimonials, and using social proof from company logos.

Don’t forget you can totally use testimonials from past 1:1 clients, if it’s your first launch!

3. Create a sales page that converts but also teaches.

This is a trend I noticed across the board, but Ryan’s launch brought it front & center.

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Your sales page is another piece of content – not just a giant sales later.

If you have an opportunity to teach your sales page readers, as you’re also taking them through the buyer journey, you’ll ensure more sales!

Level Up Your Launch With 4 More Innovations

If you’re looking to improve engagement with your pre-launch content, like webinars, video series or challenges, this list is for you.

Or, if you need some ideas for getting more conversions, check these out too!

4. Reach different types of learners with multiple content types

The more ways to catch and communication with your audience when launching, the better! So I loved when I saw this content hack from Copy Hackers during their Copy School launch.

launch innovations

Whether it’s about reaching people who prefer reading over the video series, or you know you have a time-crunched audience, offering your pre-launch content in multiple formats is smart business!

Plus, you can model this example even further and use it as another way to capture leads for your Facebook messenger bot!

5. Incentivize webinar attendance and attention.

The biggest challenge with webinar launches is to 1) get people to show up live, and 2) get them to stay on through your pitch.

So check out what Marie did on her last webinar!

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If you have a quick PDF or handout you can give as a bonus – JUST for attending your webinar until the end – I highly encourage you to try it and see if it doesn’t just easily solve those two problems.

6. Make your potential buyers understand the real value of your offer.

I have always recommended putting a TON of call-to-action buttons on your sales page, but an innovative technique I’ve seen more and more industry leaders using is actually having them jump to a price justification section, like this one from Stu…

launch innovations

If someone is just checking out the page, and wants to jump down just to know the price – that’s not an ideal sale.

But by making all of the jump links come to a price justifications section first, you’re able to catch them and stop them from being a “depends on the price” shopper.

7. Go all in on customer service opportunities.

If you’ve followed Marie for very long, you know that Team Forleo is ALL over the customer service experience.

But I was surprised to see this innovation on her sales page, around the purchase links no less!

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Old school sales page rules would say that you don’t want ANY links on that page that they could click off, and go somewhere else.

But, in looking at Marie’s launch innovations here, I can totally get it. (Especially if those links open in new tabs!)

Customer service is the #1 difference maker in converting people who are on the fence, so do offer all of your leads tons of opportunities to talk with you and get all their questions answers.

Master Your Marketing Funnel And Conversions With These Last 3 Launch Innovations

8. Bucketing your leads into unique groups for customized sales funnels.

These launch innovations are actually what Ryan teaches in his book Ask, as well as in the program he was selling.

But, that doesn’t make it any less valid as it converts crazy high when you can pinpoint just who your leads are, and what they want from your offer.

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launch innovations

When someone opts in for your webinar, video series or challenge – follow up with some quick “bucketing” questions, to learn more about their unique position.

And then use that positioning in every piece of follow up content, especially in their sales emails and some even use multiple versions of their sales page for the different audiences!

9. Make your pay in full offer the best offer.

I thought Stu was super innovative during his launch, when I clicked the button to sign up with his payment plan and saw this instead…

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This quick little pop up won’t change anyone’s mind who is already ready to join – but reminding them that they are missing out on savings or special bonuses for paying in full, could help you increase conversions where it matters most for your ROI.

10. Increase conversions on your order forms.

More and more I am seeing the rise of the fancy order form, that is almost a sales page in and of itself!

But, this is a super important step – and big mental hurdle – for your buyers, so it’s important to step up your order from game from just a Paypal link, to a full system.

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Not only did his order form recap the order and have testimonials on it, it also used a great tool called Proof to show other recent purchasers, as well as used Drift for a live chat function on the page.

If you’ve gotten a lead all the way to your order form – you definitely want to capitalize on that super hot lead!

So be sure your order form is up to par before your next launch.

Your Turn

Now, I’d love to hear from you! Which of these launch innovations is your favorite?

And, if you ever see a launch happening online from an entrepreneur that you admire, I’d love to review their strategies for you! Just send me an email or private message with their launch links. 🙂

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



  1. Toya

    Hey Jess,

    Oh my gosh, thanks for all of the research that went into this post. These are wonderful insights into the launch process. Great post!

    • Jessica Castle

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read them. 🙂 And hope they were helpful!


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