
The Only 3 Things You Should Be Working On
should be working on

A lot of entrepreneurs that I talk to are concerned about wasting time and wasting money working on the wrong things.

And if you’re like most of them, that’s a concern for you, too.

I know when I first started out I made some investments into really big programs so that they would tell me those exact steps.

But today, I’m putting together this quick little list to encourage you to focus on the right things – and in fact just 3 things – that are actually going to move your business forward.

#1 – Work On The Money

The first and really simple answer of what you should be working on is selling.

Please don’t take that to mean like I think you’re just in business for the money, but ultimately the hard truth is if you’re not focusing on where the money’s coming in, then you don’t have a business. You just have a really expensive hobby.

So, the very first thing you need to be working on is getting sales. If you’re a service provider, this could mean booking lots of discovery calls.

If you are selling digital products or online courses, this is about driving more and more traffic and leads to your sales pages.

This could also be sending followup emails, reaching out to cold leads. Or even spending time researching your target market.

As long as you are focusing on the things that are ultimately going to lead to someone actually buying something from you.

If you’re not at a point yet where you’re making the income and impact that you want to, this is the only thing you should be focused on working toward in your business.

Nothing is more important than getting that income that can then help you grow the business, can help you work on other products. So if you are just starting out or you’re been a business for a while, but you really just want to make more money, the only way to do that is to focus on sales.

#2 – Work On The Community

If you are good with your sales or you’ve at least have systems that are running in the background to get you ongoing sales, the next thing you can focus on is growth in marketing.

Yes, 10,000 Instagram followers is a vanity metric that might not equate to sales, but that’s also a point at which you get the swipe up feature naturally on your Instagram stories and you don’t have to pay for it with ads anymore.

Getting a certain number of likes on your Facebook page does matter if you are trying to get future book deals, or TV deals.

You need to build a community, and you need to build a following that will eventually buy from you and encourage their friends to buy from you.

If your sales are flowing and you still have this free time ready to fill, the best thing you can do is focus on that growth marketing because it’s really going to feed into part number one again in getting some more of the sales as long as you have the funnels and followup and things like that in place that will help clients find out how they can work with you.

#3 – Work On The Next Big Project

But if your sales are flowing and you’re happy with your marketing following, the third thing you should be working on to move your business forward is choosing one big project that will accomplish that.

For some people, this might look like designing or developing a new online course that they want to sell or writing a book.

It could also be finalizing your systems and making sure that things are really happening automatically in your business. It could be hiring new team members.

Choose that one big project that’s going to move your business forward.

The great part about number three is that if you are choosing something like creating a new digital product, or a new service, or a new course is then you go right back into number one and you focus on selling the heck out of that new thing, same if it’s book.

I don’t want this to come across as oversimplified, but I think sometimes we get so caught up in all the “shoulds” of what we should be doing in our business that you should be on Instagram TV, and that you should be on YouTube, and that you should be all these places, when really what it comes down to is are you doing the things in your business that make you money and help you grow.

And if you focus on those few aspects, I promise you, you’re never going to have to ask, “What should I be doing in my business?” again because you’re either selling and you’re either making income to grow your business, or your focus is on social media, marketing, email list growth to grow your business, or you’re focused on creating the next big thing that people are gonna want and buy from you that will grow your business.

So, don’t focus on all the shoulds. Don’t focus on all the other things you could be doing with your time. If you focus on selling, marketing growth, and creating that next big thing as your only three things, and again, don’t move onto the next step if you haven’t accomplished the first, but if you just focus on those three things, I promise you, you will see a business that grows month after month, year after year, and is the kind of business that you want.

Your Turn:

I hope this video was helpful for you and you come back to it anytime you are struggling with what you should work on next!

If you are someone who has a bunch of projects that you’re kind of juggling, leave that in the comments, too, and I will help give you some straight talk about what you maybe should be focusing on.

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



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