
Monetize Your Email List (Part 1 of 3)
monetize your email list

For the next three weeks I am dedicated to helping you grow, engage, and monetize your email list.


Because having a list is essential to having a six or seven figure business.

And size doesn’t matter.

But engagement and automated funnels do.

So, these next few posts I will walk you through my best practices to help you maximize and monetize your email list.

Full disclosure: I’m just short of 100 people on my list.

Yet last month I cleared over $8000 in my business.

So, while this first post is about list building, realize that it’s not really about size – as much as it is about attracting the right subscribers.

Facebook Ads

Let’s just start with the most obvious technique for growing your list, which is Facebook ads.

I have found Facebook ads to be very effective for ebooks, other PDF downloads, video series, and webinars. Any of your opt in offers should perform well here.

Just start with a low budget (like $5/day) and see if you can attract leads for less than $1 each.

Website Visitors

Make sure you have opt in boxes (and pop ups if you’re open to it) that turn random website visitors in to friendly inbox neighbors.

Here’s a few of the common places you’ll want to include them:

  1. Above the fold.
  2. Side bar
  3. After post
  4. Pop Up (optional)
  5. Hello Bar (optional)

Once you have these set up on your site, make sure to post your blog content and other site links on social media and other channels to drive website traffic.

Social Media

While you can spend money to reach more people on Facebook, don’t forget about the power your social media channels already have organically.

  1. Change your bio links to opt ins. Especially great for sites like Twitter and Instagram where your bio is limited, instead of directing traffic to your home page, invite them to experience your free opt in.
  2. Regularly post about your opt in offers.
  3. Use a Facebook tab.
  4. Answer questions and be helpful in FB groups – but send links to your opt in if it applies
  5. Create a stand out graphic for Pinterest that leads to your landing page

This week, focus on using these techniques and let me know how many new subscribers you get in the comments below.

In Part 2, I share a very important technique you’ll want to use once you get them to sign up. Click here to continue reading!

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



  1. Jessie Ford Coots

    Thank you for these helpful tips! I’m trying to grow my list now and I don’t want to get too caught up in size because I definitely agree that it’s really about quality over quantity. I will start implementing more of these basic practices and watch what happens. Looking forward to more tips next week!

    • Jessica Castle

      Thanks Jessie! Let me know how they work out for you – and yes, definitely stay tuned for next week!

  2. Whitney Ryan

    So many awesome ideas in here!! I fully agree that it’s about engagement rather than list size. I’ve known people with mondo lists who see barely any results and on the flipside, people with teensy lists who kick big time ass…like you’ve shown with your list!

    This post is pushing me to get the opt-in areas on my website into gear this week. Thanks for the motivation. 🙂

  3. Carla Holden

    I keep saying I’m going to add a pop up to my site! I want to try this next week and see if it boosts subscribers.

    I use to have a welcome mat when I was doing a challenge for my opt-in and that definitely boosted sign ups.

    Excited for this series, Jessica!

    • Jessica Castle

      Great! So excited for you to try a pop up. I know some people find them annoying, but they really DO work! And yes – SumoMe has a great welcome mat feature – or PopupAlly is a great choice as well.

  4. Libby

    Oh my goodness, what a good reminder that I should be utilizing my social media profile links. And maybe changing my FB description to be my biz and not the name of my University from over 10 years ago. oh boy! Thanks for the tips Jessica – I’m going to jump on this. Looking forward to the next installment!

    • Jessica Castle

      Awesome! And be sure to watch your stats from Google analytics, and see if those tweaks to your bio links provides any extra traffic next month (I’m sure it will!).

  5. Christine Dyan

    Wow! I love this post Jessica! I can clearly see where I can make some changes really easily on my social media channels. I definitely need to start promoting my opt-in more and use Facebook ads more effectively. I appreciate you sharing these simple tips!


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