What You Need To Know About Payment Plans

What You Need To Know About Payment Plans

When you’re launching your online course or program, it can be hard to decide if you should offer a payment plan or not. While there are several factors I invite my stress-free launch clients to consider, I’ve broken it down to the top three pros, and the two biggest cons, so that you can decide if payment plans are right for you…

The Ultimate Guide For Running a Successful Webinar Launch

The Ultimate Guide For Running a Successful Webinar Launch

I get asked by my stress-free launch clients ALL the time if webinars are still effective as part of a launch campaign. And my answer is a resounding YES!, but of course you have to do it the right way. Plus, always be ready to take advantage of new technology and...
3 Simple Facebook Ad Campaigns For Your Next Launch

3 Simple Facebook Ad Campaigns For Your Next Launch

To Sum It Up: I know Facebook ads can seem totally overwhelming! And especially when there’s the added pressure of getting sales from your ads on top of it, you may just skip using them during your launch altogether. But instead of giving up, I wanted to offer...
Is It Time To Upgrade Your Course?

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Course?

Sometimes you just know when it’s time for a change, and maybe you’ve got that feeling for a course or program you’ve run a few times.

But you also don’t want to start from scratch!

Here’s some of my best ideas for upgrading the look and feel of a program (even if you’re on a budget!).

The Only 2 Reasons Your Launch Failed

The Only 2 Reasons Your Launch Failed

To Sum It Up… Not only have I experienced a failed launch myself, but I’ve seen dozens of them as well. And the same thing always happens as a result: We blame ourselves We blame the price We blame the topic But there are only 2 real reasons why launches...