We all know that in today’s digital error content is king – but is your content positioning you an expert?
If it is, you’re probably already effortlessly selling your products and services.
But if that’s not the case, then I encourage you to watch the video above or keep reading below. 🙂
If you want to build a product empire with lots of courses and programs, or if you want to be known as a speaker and expert in your industry, you have to make sure that you’re creating “expert content”.
By this I mean, content that positions you as an expert, and helps people to know, like, and trust you that much faster, in the industry you want to lead.
And for me, there are 3 simple tweaks you can make to your content plan and messaging, to start creating expert content that positions you as a thought leader.
1. Have A Strong Opinion
The first thing you have to do is have an opinion. And not just any opinion, but a really strong one about the topic or industry you want to be known for.
A great way to get started is by looking at the things you love in your industry, and also at the things you hate, and share your WHY.
If you’re a health coach and you abhor counting points and things like Weight Watchers, call out Weight Watchers fans, and tell them why that’s not a great solution.
In the “launch industry”, there’s a lot of these overnight success stories, or this whole “six figure” launch goal, and for me that’s something I can’t stand about my industry because each launch should have unique goals.
And, while there are overnight success stories, your first launch might only generate 20K, and you have to be okay with that.
Don’t be nervous or scared to share your opinion online.
To be an expert today,you need to be polarizing. If you look at some of the people you follow, there are probably other people who love or hates them on either side of the coin.
I like Gary Vaynerchuk, but his style doesn’t resonate with everyone. He’s a polarizing figure, and that’s okay because he has very strong opinions. If you agree with his opinions, you become a raving fan. And if you don’t, you’d never buy from him anyway, so he’s totally okay with that.
You need to have the same amount of confidence in your opinion as someone like a Gary V., so that you can forcefully say it, and make your messaging clear, and put a clear stamp in the ground that everyone can follow along behind you with.
2. Build Your Expertise From Other Experts
The second thing you can do to use content to help position you as an expert, is actually build your credibility off of other experts in the field, or people who are leading in different industries. This is actually a tip I got from Brendon Burchard when I was at his live Expert’s Academy event, and he suggested using a, “Yes, and,” or, “Yes, but,” approach to experts. What does this mean for you?
If you’re reading a book, you should make a note of things you agree with, and things you disagree with. So when you are talking about it on an Instagram Live, Facebook Live, or in a blog post, you can reference this and say, “Yes, this expert got it right. But, here’s what I would do differently…,” or, “Here’s what I’d suggest instead for you…” which helps you position your expertise off of that person’s that is from the book, or the source, or whatever.
Or, you can also say, “Yes, and,” and say, “I totally agree with this expert, and you need to do this extra thing.”
Building your credibility off the back of another expert like that can put you in a really strong position to look like an expert yourself, whether you read it in a book, whether you were an an event with them.
3. Capitalize on YOU
And then the final thing you need to do to create expert content is to call on your uniqueness. Whether that is the unique name of your system that you walk clients through, whether that is a unique personality trait, whether that is a unique culture, or belief, or type of client you like to work with….
You need to call out the stuff that only makes you, you.
The truth is, there’s really no more new ideas out in the market! For you to be an expert, and to catch up to someone that you might be idealizing, or fearing you’ll never reach up to, the only thing that’s going to set you apart, is you.
And who you are, and how you do things, and how you like to work, and serve people. And that is what you need to call into each video, or piece of content, or whatever you are sharing with your audience. You need to make sure that is unique to you.
Your Turn
Now that you’ve heard the three steps to make sure you’ve been delivering expert content, do you feel like you’ve been making it happen? Or, are there some tweaks you want to make to your messaging? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
Having a strong opinion is such a good point and something that I haven’t thought of before — not just having an opinion, but putting an emphasis on it and a “why.” Thanks for this tip!