If you’ve followed me for long, you know I <3 WordPress! for too many reasons to count.
But it drives me B-A-N-A-N-A-S (calling Gwent Stefani fans) when my I come into the backend of new clients’ websites and they have 20+ WordPress updates that need to be made! ESPECIALLY when the update is to the WP platform itself. If you’re using WordPress (and again, I highly recommend that you do) – here’s the official reason why you should be keeping up with the WP updates. But in my words, here’s what’s up:
If you want to keep your website load time to a minimum (of course you do!), update your platform and plugins. If you want to make sure that your plugins maintain their functionality, update them. If you want to keep your website running exactly the way it is now – update it! Get the point? Updates are an essential part of running your website. Think of it as the gears behind your wheel, and grease them up any time you’re prompted to update.
The #1 reason that a WP site is hacked is due to the WP platform being outdated. This is a big concern for any business owner, but especially if you’re site is using E-Commerce – where critical personal and financial information could be exposed. Hackers are continuously hammering away at WP sites to try and exploit any vulnerabilities. The good news is that the creators and users of WP are great at catching gaps in protection, which is one of the reason new platforms are released all of the time. Besides code and security issues, an update will usually also contain bug fixes, or any glitches that might exist in the software. Make sure you keep up with any WP platform or plugin updates to minimize the number of bugs, and to keep your website safe from potential hackers.
Become the Joneses
Each update of the WP platform, as well as your plugins, offers new features. What if the update contained a great new photo gallery option – and your competition already has it. Also, WP themes often have updates to coordinate with the platform updates. A recent example comes to mind with a popular theme two of my clients use, ModernBlogger. The old version, while cute, had limited customization options. The latest updates includes six color schemes, additional social media icons, comes with a responsive version, and more.
Try the new version of your chosen theme, and I guarantee you’ll appreciate the update. Start being the Joneses, by keeping up with the latest (and always greatest) features that WP offers it’s users.
Happy WordPressing!
Leave a Comment: What have you been neglecting on your WP website? Then – take action and update it!