
How to Prioritize Your Marketing Projects
prioritize your marketing projects

Ever had the feeling that all of your marketing needs to be done, like, NOW!?

If you’re trying to stay constant with Facebook, Twitter, emailing your list, blogging, and creating new content and programs – I wanted to send you a quick list so you can prioritize your marketing projects.

Emails Come First

Remember this stat to help you prioritize everything in the future: emails are 40x more successful at acquiring new clients than either Facebook and Twitter. Plus, 95% of all online consumers have an email account.

So, whether you want more clients, want to close more sales, or want to connect with more people – you need to be sure that you’re emailing them consistently.

I recommend that you send out a weekly newsletter and blog post, but you can also do bi-weekly or even once a month. But whatever you choose, make sure your connection with your list is consistent.

Add a Dash of Social

While emails are the most effective, we can’t argue that almost everyone is on social media. So, if you’re wanting to get your messaging out to others, it’s vitally important you’re on at least one to two social media channels. Your best bet is Facebook, with 1.39 billion monthly active users as of December 31, 2014.

Facebook also has the best ways to interact with and find your followers, such as the new call-to-action button, detailed analytics, multiple custom tabs, and of course, Facebook ads.

After you’ve established time for your Facebook page, it’s important to look to either Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest as your next hub. Twitter is great for health coaches, with rapid 140 characters tips for improving their health, LinkedIn is best for business coaches, and Pinterest is great for life coaches, especially anyone who targets female clients.

While any coach could use all three of these channels, take time to think about which channels are right for your business type, and also how much time you have to devote to building a following there, and connecting with them.

Mix in Some Great Content

With the exception of the weekly blog post, if you need one to send to your list each week, creating new content such a blog posts, guest posts, ebooks, opt-in offers, webinars, etc. is what you should focus on next.

While you’re delivering that great weekly content to your list, you want to make sure that you are also growing that list, and reaching more people. That’s where new content comes in.

Make yourself a content schedule for hosting quarterly webinars, or creating a bi-weekly YouTube video, and writing write a monthly article for a magazine or HuffPo,. Putting yourself out there consistently is a great way to get that “overnight success” fame, where you are instantly getting seen all over the place.

Another great rule of thumb is to try and create a new opt-in offer quarterly. Don’t get rid of your others, if they are converting well, but by constantly refreshing your opt-in offer, you’ll get new shares and attract new people consistently to your list.

Leave a Comment: What else is on your marketing to-do list? Tell me below and I’ll add it to this prioritization list!


About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

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