The best piece of content marketing advice I ever received was to reuse blog posts to create additional types of content.
But, the same premise applies to reusing any type of content you create and share with your audience online.
Whether it’s a blog post, a video blog, or an online program – when you spend hours, days, weeks, or months creating it, don’t let the opportunity pass you by to only use your genius once.
I invite you to view your content library in a new way, by reading my list of how to reuse blog posts to create 40 pieces of content.But, I also invite you to come back to this list and apply it to your videos, online programs, or anything else you create.
This list can be used to generate new ideas, and deliver your content and expertise across multiple formats, for greater exposure.
Create New Formats
- Newsletter
- Video Blog
- Audio Series
- Podcast Episode
- Ebook
- SlideShare
- Webinar
- Case Study
- Quiz
- Infographic
- Motion Graphic Video
- Flipagram
- Email Course
- Forms
- FAQs
- Live Event
Create Social Content
- Pinterest Graphic
- Facebook Post
- Facebook Group
- LinkedIn Group
- LinkedIn Post
- Twitter Tweet
- Google+ Post
- Instagram Picture
- Instagram Video
Create Opt-In Downloads
- Checklist
- Swipe File
- Worksheets
- White Paper
- Free Report
Create New Blog Posts
- Blog Series
- Guest Post
- Write for a Media Outlet
- Use again in a “Top 10” list
- Use again in a “Did You Know…” post
- Use again in a “Best Of” post
Create Paid Content
- Ebook
- Online Program
- Udemy Mini eCourse
- Hardcopy Book