
How to Apply the Rule of 3 to Create More Ease in Your Business
rule of 3

No one became an entrepreneur because they wanted a life of chaos and overwhelm.

Most likely, in fact, you fantasized about taking coaching calls while traveling to exotic vacations, working just 5 hours a week, and making multiple six-figures.

But, as we’ve all found out, running an online business takes A LOT more than 5 hours a week.

The best system I’ve found to eliminate overwhelm in your coaching business is to structure it around the Rule of 3.

According to Wikipedia, the Rule of 3 or Power of 3 is a writing principle that suggests that things that come in threes are inherently funnier, more satisfying, or more effective than other numbers of things.

Think back to your childhood, and the stories you were told (the three little pigs, the three blind mice, three musketeers, etc.), and you can see it holds true.

But it’s not just for copywriting or story telling.

Three is also a powerful prime number, and easy to turn in to an organizational structure for managing marketing, projects, and more. Steve Jobs applied the Rule of 3 in nearly every presentation and product launch.

By organizing your business tasks around the Rule of 3, you’ll naturally reduce your overwhelm, and make tangible progress in strategically growing your business.

Marketing Rule of 3

Social media is the easiest place for you (and your business) to get overwhelmed.

Whether you find yourself losing time genuinely contributing in Facebook groups, or in a spiral of comparisonitis, it’s easy to lose track.

That’s why I recommend for all my clients to focus on just three social media marketing networks to build their following. (If you’re not sure which three are right for you, I’ve got a handy guide for you.)

There will always be another new social networking channel around the corner (Periscope, much?), but it’s important to be where your audience or ideal clients hang out. Not just broadcasting where it’s hot right now.

Projects Rule of 3

I’m a bit obsessed lately with bullet journaling and productivity journals, and one thing I’ve really taken away from both of them is to organize tomorrow by recapping today.

Each night, before you shut down for the evening, write down your 3 most important tasks for the next day. (Yes, you can only choose three).

If you’re more of a morning bird than night owl, you can also do this first thing in the Am as you sip your morning cup of tea.

You can choose whichever tasks you’d like, but I’d suggest focusing on one task for a big project you’re working on (like developing a new group coaching program, or hosting a live event), one task that brings in immediate income, and one task for marketing your business.

If deadlines are coming up for launching, or something similar, you can also make all three tasks about one project.

But, by focusing on just three tasks, you’ll stay out of overwhelm and actually get to check them all off at then end of the day. (Ah, satisfying!)

Packaging Rule of 3

If you’re really focused on reaching six figures, only offer three levels/programs of access to yourself, and really focus on converting clients in to them.

As a coach, there are probably a million ways you could slice your services and information products. But, by focusing on just three, you’ll build a natural funnel for clients to follow, as well as be able to deliver excellent, high-touch customer service and personalization.

A great place to start is with an evergreen digital product, a group coaching program in the middle tier, and then a high-end, one-on-one coaching program on top.

Having simple product offerings also makes it easy to book clients, and organizing your annual marketing calendar around launches (and that vacation you’ll now have time for!)

There are many other aspects you can apply the Rule of 3 in your business, and even in your life! But, I hope these will get you started.

And, if you ever start to feel overwhelemed, take a look at what you’re working on and see if you can divide it in to thirds, for a more manageable approach.

Leave a Comment: What do you think of the Rule of 3? Does it feel doable for you in your business? Let me know!

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



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