
4 Practical Steps to Shift Your Launch Mindset
launch mindset

To Sum It Up

Unless you’re a robot, you are going to have fears, doubts and insecurities that bubble up as you are preparing for your big launch.

For me, the “woo-woo” solutions never resonated much and the only way I could work on my mindset, and overcome my blocks, was to get into action!

So, I hope this post will do two things:
1. Confirm that you are not alone, that the fears you’re having about launching are normal!
2. And then also give you some solutions for how to move yourself forward despite having those blocks.

Launch Mindset Shift #1 – Visibility

One of the first mindset shifts that you need to make is to go big, to get visible and that can be so scary, especially if you are more of a technical person, you were behind the scenes in other people’s businesses or you were a graphic designer or a tech implementer and now you’ve put together a course. It can be really scary to know that now all eyes are on you and you’re stepping forward into the center.

The sad truth is launches are no longer just about sending a series of emails, the days of 2010 successful launching in that way are long gone and visibility is really a key factor. I bet if you think of the three programs you’ve invested in, you are more investing in the visibility and greatness of the person who was hosting the course than it was the actual course. You wanted to learn from that expert. You wanted to be similar to that very visible person.

A few practical things you can do to start working on this mindset and shifting it is way before you’re even thinking of launching, take some baby steps in the visibility department by booking yourself on some guest podcast or booking yourself some guest post on other websites. By booking yourself on a podcast or a guest posting, you don’t have the attention all on you but you get to brought into the expert and it really props you up as someone knowledgeable, someone that this blog or this person is trusting to share an opinion with their audience. The eyes aren’t all on you because there might be someone else on the podcast or there might be a panel if you’re participating in a telesummit. Any of those things could be baby steps you can take to be comfortable being visible when it’s time to turn your launch on.

The other thing to work on is think of it as building relationships, introducing yourself to people. Don’t always think of it as high pressure sales or pitching people but just genuinely come from a place of building relationships and it’s much easier to step into that visibility space.

Then the third thing you need to work is going live during your launch whether that is doing a webinar or going on Facebook Live to talk about your upcoming program or the cart is open. Anytime you can go live, anytime you can be comfortable showing your face is going to 10 times the amount of results that you can get on your launch because people are going to know, like and trust you so much faster than if you were behind the scenes or only typing in words. They’re just going to resonate with you so much more if you can get on the video and go live during your launch.

Launch Mindset Shift #2 – Comparison-itis

The next thing you might run into is the fact that somebody else is probably already teaching what you’re doing whether they’re doing it as a paid program like you are, whether it’s a book. The thing is there’s really no new ideas anymore. Everything is just recycled all the way back to things Aristotle did. Don’t put so much pressure to be like the new and only because that’s not what sells a program. In fact, it’s actually great news if one, two, five, 10 people are already teaching about the topic that you want to launch a course on because there is money in that market.

What is awesome is that you can come in and say why you’re different. Maybe you have coaching calls or one-to-one calls as part of your offer. Maybe you have a unique perspective. Maybe you found a hack that makes it easier to go from point A to point Z. Whatever that is, whatever your unique system or approach is to the topic, that is what’s going to sell your program. Lean into your how and your why behind the topic and not focus on, oh, well, everyone is already teaching about blogging so there isn’t one more course about blogging that needs to be made. Your course is going to be special. Your course is going to serve the people that it’s meant to.

Launch Mindset Shift #3 – Making Sales

the biggest mindset shift that you need to make next is getting over the fear of what if no one buys it. If you fell into the last mindset shift and you definitely have a ton of people in your program space, you can practically get over this because you have vetted your idea. There is proof that this idea or this course topic makes money. You can also go to Amazon. If you haven’t found other courses about it go, go to Amazon and look up books on that topic. Do some vetting to make sure that the idea you have and the program you want to create is actually something people would buy based on the fact that other people have already sold it. By doing that, you could prove to yourself that, yes, people do buy things like this.

The other thing you could do is just find a comfortable price. It doesn’t need to be a $2,000 course right out the gate. Online prices change all the time. Online marketing tactics change all the time and you can be totally flexible in opening a program at $97 and working up to three years later it is 2,000 or you can also do a beta test. Do a small investment to get people into your program just to prove to yourself that this program will sell. For me, I’m not one of those people who recommends going premium right off the bat unless you have a proven audience that really knows, like and trust you. For me, I personally even like to learn lessons the hard way or I like to choose affordable pricing that I can assure myself people will invest in. That’s also something I sometimes recommend to my clients is just what’s a price you feel good about and you think your audience would feel good about and don’t put pressure to feel so premium right away that your fear and your mindset around no one is going to buy this actually manifest itself as true.

Launch Mindset Shift #4 – Embrace the Unsubscribes

The fourth and final mindset shift that I want to share with you tonight is about unsubscribes, another really big fear people have around launches that everyone is going to unsubscribe from their list. While there will be some unsubscribes from your email list, there’s a lot of practical steps you can take to make sure that it is minimal damage to your list.

Number one is deliver amazing content before you launch whether that’s six months before, a year before, whatever. This is why people recommend blogging and emailing your list weekly is that it keeps them in touch with you. It keeps you top of mind. It builds trust and if you’re sharing really, really good stuff, no one is going to mind when you ask for a little bit of money in return for all the amazing content you’ve been pumping out over the past six to 12 months. You can also go ahead and pre-segment your list to see who might be interested. Send out a quick survey to your list, have them self-designate in one direction or another. In a recent launch I just worked on, we had people designate if they were employed, self-employed or unemployed just so we could go ahead and take out anyone who’s unemployed and might be offended that the price tag was a little bit high into the thousands. You can take preemptive steps like that to segment your list and make sure you’re not necessarily offending anyone who really wouldn’t be a good fit for the program anyway.

Then the actual mindset shift I want you to take is to embrace the unsubscribes, especially when you’re launching and especially if you’ve only got one or two kind of these signature core offerings. You are opening your program and they are unsubscribing and that is the only program you have to offer. That’s a good unsubscribe because they were never going to buy that program. If that’s all you’re offering, you didn’t lose anything by having them leave your list except for someone who was just there to grab your freebie content.

I hope these practical tips toward addressing these four fears and mindset blocks are helpful to you and that you can take these practical steps as I need to to really solve and get over my fears.

I wanted to share these tips with you if you were also someone who needed a practical solution to your mindset block and to make these shifts so that you can have an amazing stress-free launch!

Your Turn

Which of these steps will you be putting into action to work on your mindset? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Or, if you are in need of another launch mindset shifts, share it with us below and we’ll give you some practical tips to work on it, too!

About Me

I am your Funnel Mechanic, here to help coaches create more connection with their leads in email funnels.

Download my Stress-Free Launch Workbook Here!



  1. Jessie Ford Coots

    These are great mindset shifts, Jessica! I especially like “comparison-itis.” I think everyone does this from time to time because we work in such saturated markets, but as I always tell my clients, no one is doing exactly what you’re doing exactly as you’re doing it. Everyone has something unique or different to offer!

    • Jessica Castle

      Absolutely! You’re unique HOW and WHY are exactly why some people would buy from you, and not from others. If you focus on that element, it’s an easy sell. 🙂

  2. Libby

    This is SO good Jessica! I definitely fall into trap 1 and 3. But mostly 1! I need to commit to baby steps towards more visibility in 2018 for sure. Thanks for the inspiration:)

    • Jessica Castle

      Baby steps can be so helpful! I definitely struggle with them, and patience sometimes, but if I can just find a tiny action toward visibility (guest post, podcast interview, a quick webinar, my first FB live, etc.) – it all gets much easier over time!


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