Most of my clients come to me because they have hit a wall in their business growth.
For years, a steady (but small) stream of clients came to them from word of mouth referrals, and that was enough to pay the bills.
But then, one day, they decide they wanted more.
How about you?
Word of mouth can only take your business so far, and when you’re ready for an upgrade in clients (and income), it’s time to start taking your marketing online.
Here are just three ways (out of dozens) you can get started in stepping up your online marketing efforts to get clients from around the world.
Whip Up a Website
Just as it’s important to have a brick and mortar storefront for in-person clients, it’s important to have a storefront online.
That’s where a website comes in.
This is the place you’ll want to drive social traffic to, and it’s a great place to list your credentials as a coach, as well as show your expertise through helpful blog posts and ebooks.
You’ll also what to make sure your website conveys the ways that you work with clients (one-on-one, group coaching, etc.) and that it makes it easy to buy from you with selling systems, or that it leads to a free consultation call, so you can get them on the phone and convert them as a client from there.
Sprinkle in Social Media
You can’t call your clients every day, and connect with them. They’re busy!
But, posting 1-2 times per day on Facebook, tweeting 5+ times per day with helpful tips will get you in front of them every day.
Plus, they can then share those statuses and tweets with their friends and network. Where you may have been referred to one or two people through word of mouth, with social media, one share could expose you to 500+ new people.
Indulge in E-mail Marketing
Once you’ve built the social following, and the website, it’s time to grow your list.
Start by creating an opt-in offer that solves one of your ideal clients immediate problems, and promoting that offer at the top of your website (you can use a cool tool called HelloBar), in the sidebar, and at the end of every blog post.
You’ll also want to post about your opt-in offer on all of your social media channels.
Then, once you have some names on your email list, start emailing them regularly to make a connection, share your knowledge and expertise, and start telling them about your awesome services.
Whether you have a brick and mortar coaching practice, and you’re looking to take the leap online, or you’re just starting your coaching practice as a new IIN graduate, it’s important to keep these tips top of mind.
Word of mouth is great for 1-2 referrals, but if you’d like to be exposed to thousands of potential clients per second, it’s time to take your business online.
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