I just wrapped up some epic fall launches and there were a lot of amazing successes. And of course with every launch, there are lessons learned, but there were three things that stood out to me that I wanted to share with you in kind of a “what’s working now” episode.
These 3 strategies were real needle movers, and had repeated launch sales results that led to making a successful launch for my clients.
Offer As Much Real-Time Launch Support As Possible
The first trend that really created more launch sales was offering more availability of your time and more support when people are going through the buying process.
This was even a trend back in February when I gave you guys the example of Marie Forleo’s sales page, and she specifically had buttons for emailing her team or calling them or asking them any questions.
In a recent launch with my client, we used that strategy also around the buttons, and we installed a help chat app where people could ask us questions.
Over 50% of people who took the time to engage with us and ask us questions ended up becoming sales.
I also noticed in some recent launch emails from a other people’s lists that included links for calls and questions to their calendar.
The more and more you can take the people who are active leads, the ones who are going to click, the ones who are going to chat, and support them because everyone has questions, like…
- Is this program customizable to me?
- Does it work for my unique situation?
- Can it work for X, Y, and Z?
If you can answer those questions on the spot as opposed to waiting for these kind of broadcast emails, these FAQs emails where you’re trying to address everyone’s objections, if you can get people in a one-to-one conversation and say yes, this is for you, or be honest and say no, it’s not for you. Those are the things that are really going to make a difference in your know, like, and trust factor, in your buying, and also reducing your refund rate.
So whether you’re launching or you’re just doing, you know, your usual one-to-one and you’re trying to get a few more clients, think of ways that you can be more available, more supportive, answer more questions during the buying process.
Customize Your Launch Retargeting Ads By Behavior
The second thing I want to share that’s working for Fall launch sales is a new twist on retargeting ads.
I’ve been sharing pretty much all year with everyone who will listen that retargeting ads work so well. Most people’s email rates are anywhere from 20 to 30 when you’re launching those can start to tank, but you have the availability to upload your list to Facebook, to target with them an ad, and say something specific.
But here’s the extension I experimented with in some recent launches:
Customize their ad messages based on the pages they have visited.
We took the time to really map out the buyer process, and created unique FB ads messages for those who hadn’t visited the sales page, if they had visited the sales page, and if they had visited the order form.
These ads got amazing engagement. And yes, it’s a little “Big Brother-y” if people are followed around by ads, but if someone has visited your sales page, if someone has visited your order form, they’re very interested.
Create Segmented Launch Sales Invitations
One of my clients recently had a very successful waitlist launch, so before her cart even opened publicly we sent out some segmented emails to her wait list.
We also sent a customized offers and messages to people who were past customers of a different product, specific opt ins and to past purchasers with lifetime access to invite their friend.
So before the cart even opened publicly, there was a significant amount of sales already in the bank because we took this extra time to figure out some very targeted messaging to these audiences.
The reason this strategy works is because people who are on your list and have opted into a waitlist or have purchased something from you in the past, already see you as the expert.
And if your program even delivered the tiniest of result, they trust your opinion.
So if you can send them something targeted and remind them what they signed up for or what they had purchased from you in the past, they’re already more interested in than if you just included them in a blanket open cart email with everyone else.
And the best part is that taking the time out to do this also gives you a great energetic burst because before your cart is even open publicly, you have seeded your launch.
Quick Recap of What’s Working For Fall Launch Sales
1. Install more ways for people to talk to you in real time during your launch. So, have a calendar link set up specifically for your program questions, and a help bot installed like Zendesk or Intercom.
2. Play with those retargeting ad segments, so set up custom audiences for people who hit the sales page, who hit the order form, who don’t visit either, and have some real targeted messages for when you’re running those retargeted ads to those specific audiences.
3. Create specialized pre-open cart email. Look at your program waitlist, past customers and past clients that might be a fit for this program level. Or look for people who have opted in to something specifically on your list that would be interested or could relate to this program, and find some segmented people you can make pre-cart offers to.
I think they work across the board whether you’re launching, whether you’re just trying to get a client, whether you’re trying to fill a live event or a retreat, these are things that would work across the board.
Your Turn
Have you ever used any of these strategies? If so, how did they work? Or let me know which of these three strategies sounds most appealing to use in your next launch!